The Complex Carbohydrate vs. Sugar Question

A lot of sugar glider owners feed diets with a lot of simple sugar in it. Many contain honey or are fruit or nectar based. Vets hate these diets. I am not a fan of them. In fact, I did a gram for gram, side by side comparison of honey vs. oats and you can find that comparison on the diet page.

The raw numbers for the honey and oats came from two different sources. The honey raw numbers came from the University of Rochester, Health Encyclopedia, Nutrition Facts database. The oats raw numbers came from USDA Food and Nutrients Database.

Oats are more nutritious by far than honey, are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber, provide more calories gram for gram than honey, are higher in protein, higher in calcium, higher in all vitamins, contains Vitamin K and fatty acids (honey does not), and is higher in every nutrient across the board than honey. The only thing lacking in oats when comparing to honey is simple sugar. Honey is 81% simple sugar. Oats are less than 1% simple sugar.


New addition to the horde!